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    Kaye UTR (Uniform Temperature Reference)

    Uniform Temperature Reference reducing temperature gradients in thermocouple installations


    The Kaye UTR is a passive device, requiring no external power. Its design addresses all thermal errors induced by static and dynamic conditions providing a superior temperature stable environment. Thermocouple terminations are made by screw terminals on one side of the plate while output connections to the measuring device are made via copper terminations on the other side of the plate.

    A  highly accurate NIST traceable RTD is mounted to the plate to provide measurement of the plate temperature.  The UTR’s rugged design and ability to handle extreme temperature and vibration make it ideal for mounting near engine test stands.. This minimizes thermocouple runs and expensive gold plated feedthrough for getting sensors outside the harsh environment.

    The  UTR  also reduces the possibility of temperature gradients to a + 0.5°C error due to a 40°C step change in ambient; twice the accuracy of conventional UTRs.

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    Amphenol Advanced Sensors Germany GmbH 
    Sinsheimer Strasse 6
    D-75179 Pforzheim

    T +49 (0) 7231-14 335 0
    F +49 (0) 7231-14335 29

    KAYE Americas 

    Amphenol Thermometrics, Inc.
    967 Windfall Road
    St. Marys, PA 15857
    Tel: +1(814) 834-9140
    Fax: +(814) 781-7969

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