Italiano (Italia)

    Please contact your local Account Manager to calculate your Best Anniversary Deal !

    Combine new technology with your current Validator 2000

    A new flexible approach to Validation - the Kaye Validation Console! State-of-the-Art, portable console, dedicated to the programming, displaying, reporting and storage of validation data. Collect the validation data via the console – use your current laptop for reporting. Applicable with your existing Kaye Validator, Kaye ValProbe software and IRTD win.

    Trade-in your Validator 2000                                               

    ... get the new Kaye Technology Kaye Validator AVS and take benefit of aspecial trade-in offer for your Kaye Validator 2000.Contact your local sales representative to calculate your best deal!

    Continue using your existing Kaye Validator 2000 system

    and enjoy the new technology with the new Kaye Validator AVS
        Innovative State-of-the-Art Hardware Design    Pre-Programmed, Rugged Console with Intuitive Metro-Style User Interface

    ico pointerKAYE SEDE CENTRALE

    Amphenol Advanced Sensors Germany GmbH 
    Sinsheimer Strasse 6
    D-75179 Pforzheim

    T +49 (0) 7231-14 335 0
    F +49 (0) 7231-14335 29 

    KAYE America 

    Kaye Thermometrics, Inc.
    967 Windfall Road
    St. Marys, PA 15857
    Tel: +1(814) 834-9140
    Fax: +(814) 781-7969 

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    5 + 10 =
    1 + 4 =
    4 + 5 =
    9 + 5 =


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