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    HygroCal100 - Humidity Calibrator

    A new, compact, portable system for simple automated verification of the Kaye ValProbe RT Humidity Loggers


    The HygroCal100 provides a stable test chamber to quickly evaluate the performance of Kaye’s ValProbe RT Humidity Loggers or any relative humidity sensors across a wide range of 5 to 95% relative humidity. The intuitive design allows up to 8 probes or loggers under test to be easily sealed and immersed in the chamber. Typically the HygroCal100 is controlled by the ValProbe RT Software for automated Verification runs but alternatively the unit can also be controlled by the 4.3” LCD touch-screen, that runs a powerful UI, which displays all measured values from the reference along with a graphical trend indication of chamber stability. If not used with the Kaye ValProbe RT Loggers the HygroCal100 is also capable of automating complete validation procedures with ease, and providing a complete logged output in csv format straight to your USB memory device, to minimize the time you spend taking readings.

    ico pointerKAYE GENEL MÜDÜRLÜK

    Amphenol Advanced Sensors Germany GmbH 
    Sinsheimer Strasse 6
    D-75179 Pforzheim

    T +49 (0) 7231-14 335 0
    F +49 (0) 7231-14335 29


    Kaye Thermometrics, Inc.
    967 Windfall Road
    St. Marys, PA 15857
    Tel: +1(814) 834-9140
    Fax: +(814) 781-7969

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